Spent the weekend visiting the folks in Indiana. Not much training was done but a lot of food was eaten, and a lot of family relaxing took place. Therefore it was a good weekend. I’ll call it a success. Here are your bullet points for the week.
Bullet Points
Because why not start the post with some shameless self promotion? Kettlebells for Climbers releases today! I worked with Kris Hampton at Power Company Climbing over the past couple months to develop this program. It’s geared towards building a strong general foundation on which you build your more specific climbing strengths. Your peak is limited by the size of your foundation. This is one way to build that foundation. Check it out.
I normally pay ZERO attention to so called celebrity fitness trainers. Every now and then, something so flabbergastingly absurd pops up and I read it out of disbelief. Tracy Anderson’s latest article/interview has been floating around and it is downright incorrect and dangerous. Rather than link to her article and generate traffic to her, I’ll link to this takedown of the article instead. Read it.
Linear volume accumulation is a good thing. For a little while. Over time, you will hit a sticking point. Steve is a climbing coach out of Wyoming who wrote a great article detailing some basic ways to cycle your training to avoid burnout, injury, and coax greater performance gains with more efficient work. Well worth a read.
The Brew
Three Floyd’s Cimmerian Sabertooth Beserkerer
When you’re in Indiana, you do whatever you can to find Three Floyd’s brews. They always present a solid offering, and some of their beers are the best I’ve ever had. The Cimmerian Sabertooth Tiger is a Double IPA. It pours a powerful gold/orange/red color with an off white head. It’s a hop bomb, but not bitter. Super juicy hop characteristics, with a bunch of tropical fruits and well balanced with the malts. I’ve had 100+ IBU beers before, and haven’t been a fan. This one is different. Much smoother, better put together, and a balanced, complete, beer.
That’s it for this week. Check out the articles and keep an eye out for the Power Company Podcast getting released this week! Kris and I sit down and talk about Kettlebells and how they fit in with training for climbing. Keep your eyes peeled!