Here comes an end of the week Bullet Points and a Brew! It’s hot. We’re looking at near record temps today, tickling 90 degrees in April. Awesome. I had a good week of training, preparing for some Jiu-Jitsu matches this weekend. It’ll be a great learning experience and I’m excited to test myself!
Let’s get into the Bullet Points.
The Bullet Points
The grip strength of a climber is an anomaly compared to probably every other sport. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look at other sports for concepts we could apply to strengthening the crimpers. I thought this article had some interesting points. Also, if you like to lift weights (ahem), there’s some more specific grip details regarding some barbell work.
I use this cue a lot with folks I work with. Far too often, the focus during the deadlift is on pulling the bar off the ground, instead of wedging the hips in between the bar and the ground. It’s safe, more biomechanically sound, and stronger. Do it.
Dr. Stuart McGill is a researcher who eats, sleeps, and breathes back health and performance. He’s put out some illuminating books concerning strong and pain free backs. Back pain is fairly common, and part of the reason is that there’s a lot of stupid things out there that are taken as facts, when they’re not. This article is a must read if you have a back. I think that covers a good amount of people.
The Brew
Imperial Biscotti Bourbon Maple Syrup Barrel Aged Break, Westbrook Brewing Co.
I’ve included a few Imperial Biscotti Break variants on here, basically because they’re all awesome. This iteration was aged in Bourbon Barrels that also held Maple syrup at one point. So full of awesomeness. As soon as the cap is popped, Maple syrup, bourbon, and chocolate aromas fill the room. The beer pours black with brownish head, and fades to faint film of bubbles on the top. When tasted, one get’s bourbon first, followed by chocolaty and rich roasted malt/porterish notes. The maple syrup is present throughout, and adds a unique dimension to the beer. One of my favorite things about the Biscotti Break line is how thick these beers are. They pour like motor oil and have an amazingly “chewy” mouthfeel. This one is no different. Another fantastic addition to maybe my favorite line of beers ever.
What’s Happening
Strongfirst Kettlebell User Course
I’m excited to announce that the Strongfirst Kettlebell User course is coming back to Chattanooga! On May 27, Senior SFG Delaine Ross will be at Scenic City Strength and Fitness for an 8 hour workshop breaking down fundamental kettlebell skills. These skills lay the foundation for a lifetime of effective kettlebell training, so this course is not to be missed. You can find more information here.
I deliver efficient and effective programming that gets the job done without demanding too much of your valuable time. I have some open spots for distance coaching, so if you are interested, please apply. You can find more information here.
Mailing List
I’m playing around with a newsletter. It will contain article alerts, special content promotions, and offers exclusive to subscribers. You can sign up here if you’d like. It’s completely free.
I’m teaching two kettlebell classes at Scenic City Strength and Fitness.
An entry-level class that emphasizes the foundations of safe and effective kettlebell training is held Tuesdays at 6:15 pm. It’s only 10 bucks and spots will be limited to ensure a great experience. If you are in the Chattanooga area and have always been curious about trying out kettlebells, it’ll be tough to find a better opportunity.
I also teach a class for folks who are more familiar with kettlebells on Thursdays at the same time. We will dive into some more advanced kettlebell movements and concepts, and push the intensity up a bit more than Tuesday.
You can check out the calendar and register online for any of these classes here. Each class is 10$. Hurry, because the spots fill up fast.
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