Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

Bullet Points and a Brew 9/27/16

A week and a day late, but it’s out. I’m getting started on the first week in our new facility. We’re putting stuff together and…

Bulletproof Your Shoulders III: Improving the Armbar

I’ve previously written about the Kettlebell armbar. The armbar is a fantastic drill for the mobility and stability of the upper body. Today, let’s dive…

Bullet Points and a Brew 9/12/16

And here we are, heading into another week. I took a break from this series last week. I was in Asheville with some family members,…

Bullet Points and a Brew 8/29/16

It was a good and busy weekend. Everyone who came out to my Saturday class at SCSF killed it! Fun times were had with kettlebells…

Your Sport is Unique..Just Like Every Other Sport

It’s so common. Everyone is looking for the next “X”-specific training program. “I’m looking for a climbing/basketball/baseball/etc. specific strength routine.” “Oh, I don’t squat. I’m…

Bullet Points and a Brew 8/22/16

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I got some Jiu-Jitsu training in, a round of golf in (had my best 9 holes ever…and then my…

Bullet Points and a Brew, 8/15/16

And we’re back. I was at the New River Gorge this weekend, did zero climbing and had a blast. My family gathered from all over…

Bullet Points and a Brew 8/8/16

The Olympics are here! I’m excited to watch some quality sports action the next month or so, and even more excited to see that climbing…

Bullet Points and a Brew 8/1/16

It’s been few weeks and it has been a busy few weeks at that. Not much in the way of climbing, but I’ve spent some…

Bullet Points and a Brew 7/4/16

Happy 4th, everybody. I hope the weekend has been full of fun, decompression, celebration,and time with friends and family. Before I go throw a bunch…